We can use this function for stacking or combining a 3-D array vertically (row-wise).
Print ("Vertically stacked array:\n ", res) In this example 1, we will simply initialize, declare two numpy arrays and then make their vertical stack using vstack function. Example 1: Basic Case to Learn the Working of Numpy Vstack Here we will start from the very basic case and after that, we will increase the level of examples gradually. Now, we have seen the syntax, required parameters, and return value of the function numpy stack. Stacked Array: The array (nd-array) formed by stacking the passed arrays. This parameter is a required parameter, and we have to mandatory pass a value. We need only one argument for this function: ‘tup.’ Tup is known as a tuple containing arrays to be stacked. The collection of input arrays is the only thing you need to provide as an input
] Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments ( json ) array()Ĭ = np.concatenate((a,b)) # return 1-D arrayĭ = np.stack((a,b)) # return 2-D array print(c) The following example illustrates the difference between stack() and concatenate() functions: a = np. ( 2, 2, 2) Code language: Python ( python ) NumPy stack() vs. Print(c.shape) Code language: Python ( python ) The result is a 3D array: import numpy as np The following example uses the stack() function to join elements of two 2D arrays. ] Code language: Python ( python ) 2) Using numpy stack() function to join 2D arrays The following example uses the stack() function to join two 1D arrays horizontally by using axis 1: import numpy as np Print(c) Code language: Python ( python ) The following example uses the stack() function to join two 1D arrays: import numpy as np 1) Using stack() function to join 1D arrays Let’s take some examples of using the stack() function. By default, the axis is zero which joins the input arrays vertically.īesides the stack() function, NumPy also has vstack() function that joins two or more arrays vertically and hstack() function that joins two or more arrays horizontally. The axis parameter specifies the axis in the result array along which the function stacks the input arrays. In this syntax, the (a1, a2, …) is a sequence of arrays with ndarray type or array-like objects. The following shows the syntax of the stack() function: numpy.stack((a1,a2.),axis= 0) Code language: Python ( python ) Unlike the concatenate() function, the stack() function joins 1D arrays to be one 2D array and joins 2D arrays to be one 3D array. The stack() function two or more arrays into a single array. Introduction to the NumPy stack() function
Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the NumPy stack() function to join two or more arrays into a single array.